We at Global Media Research and Consulting Partners often are defending the move from traditional, telephone-based survey techniques to Internet-based methodologies. The following article, while not brand new, does a great job of detailing how forecasts from the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election were enhanced and made much more accurate when polling was moved from telephone interviews to online surveys.
We feel very strongly that online research is, in most cases, the ideal way to reach consumers who are increasingly becoming harder and harder to reach. The fact that "Pew’s response rate for its U.S. opinion research in 2012—the percentage of households in which someone agreed to be interviewed—was only 9 percent, down from 36 percent in 1997" delivers a clear message to us that conducting research online gets you closer to "real" respondents. Equally encouraging in this article is the statistic cited by the CEO of Ipsos Public Affairs that "about 70% of corporate opinion studies are now Internet-based."
In addition to our Online Music Test (OMT) which gives meticulously screened respondents the option to take a full music test online or on their smartphones, Global Media also now offers an online/mobile version of its Content Analysis Test for news/talk formats (and morning shows) as well an Online Strategic Perceptual Study.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information at Info@GlobalMediaRCP.com.